Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lessons from Chennai

Just an incident that I faced while in Chennai. After couple of days in Chennai I realized that auto drivers would ask for more money if I told them the amount and place in English. Slowly I started learning Tamil that allowed me to bargain with them and that did the trick.

The point I am trying to make is that I learnt Tamil because market forced me to do so. However, if the government had said that I have to pass exam X in Tamil before landing in Tamil Nadu or within 3 months I would have protested. Or worst, passed the exam using unscrupulous means.

And that is what governments need to realize. They can play the role of catalyst. They can offer incentives, benefits etc. to people if they adopt a certain line. But forcing people to adopt that approach often has the negative effect. And it wastes energy of governments in ensuring that people are following. And it people do not follow, it gives them the message that its OK not to follow. Everyone looses.

Governments need to remember that catalyst is defined as one that hastens (or slows) a reaction, without being consumed in the reaction. Being a catalyst preserved government and its energy for future uses. And it ensures that the reaction if doomed is not executed.

In terms of history, I think man created markets first, and governments later. There is info on first profession, but none of first government. And that is something that governments need to realize. They are powerful. But market is more powerful. For ages we lived under the socialistic era. Nothing was allowed to be imported without permission. Yet everything you wanted was available. Because market wanted it.

The problem with the government power is perhaps that it does thing artificially at times. For example take the development of Amethi. It prospers when Nehru’s are in power and then dithers. Because the progress is unnatural. This is not to say that governments should never intervene.

If you have fever you do take medicines. That's the power of government. If any area is actually lagging the governments should intervene. And yet that's its limitations too. You can't pop up pills daily. So governments after starting a job must be aware of there exit points. You can't live till eternity, even if you take medicines daily.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's day

I am not very much in favor of Valentine's Day. It’s a marketing stunt in all probabilities. Never heard of it till high school. And I am not a passout of 1800s!

The article by Tarun Vijay in TOI today is good one in this regard. We need to promote and create our festivals. That is needed even to market India abroad. The whole world knows that Chinese celebrated their New Year couple of days back. What about our Makar Sankranti ? Why can't Basant Panchami be national day for love and brotherhood? Let us remember our festivals before jumping in for new ones. Let us keep our windows open for fresh airs, but not be blown away by the wind.

But I am more against the hooliganism that is displayed by those opposing it. It’s even worst. If I had to choose between mindless consumerism and mindless hooliganism, I think I will opt for former.

This hoolignism makes me ask a question ?Why does this country need courts? Justice for these people is a Maggie two-minute noodle. Just add water, boil and eat. So they practice catch the culprit, make a tamasha and beat!!! But remember even if you like this recipe in short term, please remember that Maggie is not good for health. Neither is hooliganism. No matter you call is Hinduism or you call it fatwa. Incidentally this irresponsibilty is perhaps the best (or worst) secular nature we have. Be it Thakrey, or be it the Shahi Imam, every one has the audacity to take country to ransom on name of public.

Who are these people to decide if someone is a culprit? Let us say they are competent enough and beat someone whom you think is culprit. What happens when they realize tomorrow that he was innocent? What if he was framed? Will they then beat up those of your party who beat him? And then if they realize that he was actually victim, whom will they beat then.

I am not saying that judicial system is 100% accurate. The judicial system might be bad, but this judicialism is worst. It is partial and it is innacurate. And in most cases inhuman. Who is responsible for the mother who was forced to deliver baby in a train toilet. Hooliganism practiced by Thakrey. Who is incidentally on a bail and is roaming free with Abu Hashmi.If someone attacks my house I will pull out the revolver first and call police later.

The constitution gives every one freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship. As long as those who celebrate Valentine’s day do not disturb anyone else, they have full right to practice what they believe in. And as long as the protestors do not harm them, they have right to do so. And the moment one of them crosses there limit, he or she or they should be punished as per the law of the land. Nothing more. But nothing less either.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Give them a taste for their medicine.

Some suggestions for the government to try for Shiv Sena cure

1. Today Raj Thakrey has said that no outsider will be allowed to work in Mumbai airport. Extend the approach. Ban all airlines from landing in Mumbai, if he goes ahead with this nonsense.
2. Ban Udhhav from fighting elections for next 10 years. Also ban any candidate he campains for. Declare his MMS and Shiv Sena both as outlawed terror outfits.
3. This one is for the public. Have a complete boycott of these leaders. They should not be invited to public functions, parties, markets, everywhere. Infact, even the thela waalas should stop selling them vegetables.
4. If they continue to attack outsiders, government should declare a subsidy of 50% on all movies made outside Maharashtra. If needed even stop the Mumbai port.

These steps might sound outlandish. But I believe that these pals and there chums should be taught a lesson with the maximum severity. And the people who support them. It is high time that these people do not win even ONE seat in elections. Else the public is as guilty as them.

And one last thing. I have never heard anytime any Muslim organisation making these demands. yet, it is Muslims who have to prove there partiotism. Why doesn't the half mind half nikkar brigade prove its partiotism by stopping all relations with half mind Thakreys.

Friday, February 8, 2008

I hate them...

There's a sense of irony in the lives of those who are consumed with hatred towards any one else. You waste you energy, your energy, your life, based on the terms of the other person.

Its equally sad when people hate on basis of religion/nation etc. All the Muslim bashers, if you were born Muslim you would have been hating Hindus. But you are born hindu, so you hate Muslims. Think of it. You did not control your birth. And an event over which you had no control is affecting your thoughts on which you have control.

It probably is still OK if you hate a person based on what he did to you. But hating a community based on what was done in past. Its like destroying your life. And that applies to every one, irrespective of caste/creed/religion. Perhaps its OK if you want to increase the number of people under your religion. As is said in RSS there are two line and you want to make one line longer. Don't shorten the other line, increase your line. So I wonder where does hatred fit in all this.

One last tip. Please remember that we often become what we hate. There are people who HATE Muslims, because some terrorists (please do not fight with me over percentages here)happen to be terrorists. And then they start suppressing Muslims or other religions in name of stopping terrorism. Are you not doing a terrorist activity yourself. This is what Raj Thakre and party have landed in now. This is what Shiv Sena did some time back. Two wrongs do not make a right. They are still two wrongs..

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My grandfather's jail diaries

Pasting couple of pages right now... Will post more detailed resolution images once I am in India

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

National anthem

I have heard enough non sense on the topic. My views on the topic...

I don't care who this songs praises. or used to praise in the first place..A mere stone once placed in the temple assumes importance. It does not matter where did the stone belonged in the first place. For me this song is placed in the temple of motherland now, and I don't care how much the 'intellectuals' discuss over where it belonged previously...

For me singing either Vande Mataram or Jan Gana Mana evokes the same level of patriotism that some intellectuals call madness.All that I know is that millions have laid there lives protecting it. And millions can lay there lives for it. All that I know is that I am ready to die or to kill to protect this song..And it is this spirit that gives this mere song its importance.

Also if we change the anthem once what next ?How many things should we change more... Tomorrow some people will call for Vande Mataram to be changed because its anti muslim and what not. Then some one will call for national anthem in regional languages. Then in local dialects. Cycles as these never stop.And the point is that they achieve no purpose. A patriot will remain a patriot no matter what is the national anthem. Ditto for a non patriot.. But the nation will loose precious time and energy that it could have used else where

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Teach them a lesson please

Something irregular is perhaps taking a regular shape in Indian politics now. It was something that was once confined to the outer circles of politics. It was common in Tamil Nadu politics. And was dying a natural death even there. But it is taking a centre seat in main stream national politics now.

I am talking about regionalism taking intolerant turn in politics. Perhaps the latest straw to this was Shiv Sena and its folks declaring Amitabh Bahchan as UP centric. Another incident that disturbs is Taslima episode. And these are nothing but different sides of the same coin. There are innumerous of such incidents. There is a complete secularism in these incidents ! For every action from one side there is one even better from the other side.

Think of it. If Taslima episode is taliabanisation of Muslim politics ? Then how come is Amitabh episode different ? These are both wrong instances and deserve equal punishment. Employ police, public and if required army to bring the Shiv Sena to its knees. Better still declare a 50% subsidy for any movie outside Maharashtra. Teach them a lesson. And do not leave Taslima detractors too. Employ the same weapon as you can think of against Shiv Sena. Confiscate property of any one who fights against Taslima. And BAN any one of such people from fighting elections.

Perhaps these things are required to teach a lesson. There is a growing tendency in some sections to speak just for the heck of it. And they are gaining out of it. Free publicity. Free votes. Everything free.

I am not too sure if these deserve to be nipped in bud or allowed to die there natural death. Comments please ?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Genius of Gandhi contd...

In continuation to

Something I wrote as reply to someone's doubts...You asked why did Gandhi suspended non-cooperation movement.

Please remember that Gandhi stuck to Gita in his life and deeds. If you would refer to chapter ii shloka 31 you will get the answer. The Shloka says (sorry I am not too good in translation.. someone else can do a better job.)"When there is time for your duty you should not run away from it; for there is no higher good for a Kshatriya than a righteous war. "Refer to last two words. Righteous war.

Indepndence struggle was a righteous war because it was unsaught. And the way it was being faught was through moral means. Now the moment we distroyed Chauri Chaura the war was no longer righteous. The British had a moral reason to avenge. Gandhi realized that in such a case the distinction of right and wrong would have blurred and the movement would have failed.If you need further explaination.

If I look at Nandigram I realise the power of this. The cause was right. But the outcomes ? No one knows who is right and who is wrong. And this blurring of lines was what Gandhi avoided and faught till his last breath to avoid this.

Some people call introduction of Rama as an idol in freedom struggle as foolishness.I call it the MASTER STROKE of independence struggle. Here you had to lead illiterate people into the struggle. What do they know about Marx and all. Could they relate to him. Could they connect to freedom struggle. They needed something they could connect to. And thanks to Tulsi Das Rama was known even in the remotest corners of India. Gandhi did not reinvent the wheel. He merely connected people to what they knew.

Gandhi was not a mere paper tiger or a strategist or an elitist leader. He toiled WITH the people in the villages and the streets. He led by example. That is what caused people to join in the struggle. Not the elitist leaders who could not talk to the masses.