Saturday, February 24, 2007

Death of civil society

Writing this blog against convential, or politically correct, wisdom. This is probabely spurred by the bad press Ram Jethmalani has attracacted for defending Manu Sharma. Or by the decision of Ghaziabad advocates on not to defend the infamous murderers of Nithari.

On the face value this protests of activists , these decisions of lawyers seem so justified. Here was a murderer who was saved by his clout. Here are some more murderes who have mercilessly butchered tens and hundreds of innocent kids. They do not deserve any mercy. They should be killed immediately. This perhaps is the common wisdom today.

And this precisely is what I would like to write against. When you hate somebody you become like him. When you hate Manu Sharma for the fact that he used his political power to save himself and you use the entire power of media to campaign against that, are you yourslef not becoming similiar to Manu Sharma. Or when the lawyers are deciding to deny Nithari murderers oppertunity of justice, are they themselves not murdering justice.

And this perhaps is more serious than Manu Sharma or Nithari. Society can survive on Manu Sharma. Society can survive a parliament full of 500 criminals. But a society that takes laws of land, that it itself made, can not survive. That precisely is the reason why we should be vigilant in our zeal to protect the people. Society itslef should not fall in the trap of murdering justice to murder the criminal.

So while a society was perfectly fine in exposing the heious crime that these people might have committed, it is perfectly wrong in deciding the punishment of these people. That is the work of judje.Let us not, in our zeal for justice, not swap these roles. For that would be society murdering its norms, because of unsocial elements. Let us not kill the tree to kill the weeds. Let us, while we attack those who attack or values, give them the value to defend themsleves. Defending the weak might not be a priority for a criminal, but defending the defenseless, even if he's a criminal, has to be the duty of a civilised society.

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