Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's day

I am not very much in favor of Valentine's Day. It’s a marketing stunt in all probabilities. Never heard of it till high school. And I am not a passout of 1800s!

The article by Tarun Vijay in TOI today is good one in this regard. We need to promote and create our festivals. That is needed even to market India abroad. The whole world knows that Chinese celebrated their New Year couple of days back. What about our Makar Sankranti ? Why can't Basant Panchami be national day for love and brotherhood? Let us remember our festivals before jumping in for new ones. Let us keep our windows open for fresh airs, but not be blown away by the wind.

But I am more against the hooliganism that is displayed by those opposing it. It’s even worst. If I had to choose between mindless consumerism and mindless hooliganism, I think I will opt for former.

This hoolignism makes me ask a question ?Why does this country need courts? Justice for these people is a Maggie two-minute noodle. Just add water, boil and eat. So they practice catch the culprit, make a tamasha and beat!!! But remember even if you like this recipe in short term, please remember that Maggie is not good for health. Neither is hooliganism. No matter you call is Hinduism or you call it fatwa. Incidentally this irresponsibilty is perhaps the best (or worst) secular nature we have. Be it Thakrey, or be it the Shahi Imam, every one has the audacity to take country to ransom on name of public.

Who are these people to decide if someone is a culprit? Let us say they are competent enough and beat someone whom you think is culprit. What happens when they realize tomorrow that he was innocent? What if he was framed? Will they then beat up those of your party who beat him? And then if they realize that he was actually victim, whom will they beat then.

I am not saying that judicial system is 100% accurate. The judicial system might be bad, but this judicialism is worst. It is partial and it is innacurate. And in most cases inhuman. Who is responsible for the mother who was forced to deliver baby in a train toilet. Hooliganism practiced by Thakrey. Who is incidentally on a bail and is roaming free with Abu Hashmi.If someone attacks my house I will pull out the revolver first and call police later.

The constitution gives every one freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship. As long as those who celebrate Valentine’s day do not disturb anyone else, they have full right to practice what they believe in. And as long as the protestors do not harm them, they have right to do so. And the moment one of them crosses there limit, he or she or they should be punished as per the law of the land. Nothing more. But nothing less either.


Nitin Gupta said...

Well written. I think the problem is that the country is in transition phase and we will always see resentment to new thoughts and practices. In next few decades, nobody would question things like Valentines day and perhaps festivals like Basant Panchmi and Makar Sankranti will be forgotten. Anything that cannot sustain on its own has to perish and we should be prepared to embrace new things.

Nitin Gupta said...

looking for updated on your blog...

RP said...

too bogged down to post new stuff.. But still managed one posting.. Have a look

~Krishna~ said...

the bottom line on this issue is personal freedom..
Let everyone choose what they want..
If I choose Valentines Day, its my choice.. why should your choices be thrust on me..
Even at the level of Govt, they have no right to propagate choice..

The govt is to serve not rule us..